Preview, buy, and download songs from the album Amazon's on Fire, including ”Amazon's on Fire,” ”World of Love,” ”Burning Brains,” and many more. Buy the album for $7.99. Songs start at $0.99.
Burning Brains: Ever heard the album Amazon's On Fire?In 2011, the band Burning Brains, born in Belém / PA released their first CD, which was executed to the best of Hard Rock / Heavy Metal in its thirteen compositions, whose review is published here in Rock On Stage (check this link) and far this year 2015, the founder Jr Thunder (or Antônio Augusto Cesar Junior) by the producer Borislav Dimitrov of HiZ Productions remastered all tracks, gave a new title to work ... Amazon's On Fire and made available for sale on the following links and, check out because it is a hell of sound, which was launched by Paulo Janela from XMetaL Empirex pleasure have you as my friend. We are Burning Brains the Band from Brazil. and we would sincerely appreciate it if you took the time to visit our ReverbNation. We're number 1 on the ReverbNation Rock charts for Brazil![w|null]
Dear Greek Government, The Greek people are watching aghast what is happening now in Brussels. This clearly is not a negotiation. It is a humiliating action against Greece and the Greek people.This shameless situation has to stop NOW!You have to leave this negotiation - parody NOW!Do not humiliate Greeks further. Greeks have the power to stand on their feet against blackmailers and financial killers. Κύριοι της κυβέρνησης,Ο ελληνικός λαός παρακολουθεί εμβρόντητος τα όσ