Hi! My new video
Vlad Roze

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Hi! My new video
Vlad Roze
This post has been removed –– and it really has too.
#Post #PostMeme #ThisPostHasBeenRemoved #ThisPostHasBeenRemovedMeme #AndItReallyHas
#AndItReallyHasMeme #AndItReallyHasToo #AndItReallyHasTooMeme #Meme #Memes
#FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
This is not how I feel when I see a spider doing
nothing but it’s still a kind of funny meme although people who are arachnophobic
are going to be like “hey that really is how I feel, that’s not funny man.” #Arachnophobia
#ArachnophobiaMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Some people don’t mind it as they like oatmeal raisin
cookies even more than chocolate chip cookies –– but I am not one of those
people so for me it causes a “minor disappointment.” #MinorDisappointment
#Cookie #CookieMeme #Cookies #CookiesMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Personally I’m pretty happy with caffeine, and I
find for some reason coffee gets me even more alert, focused, and ready to work
on stuff than energy drinks with the same amount of caffeine. #XMen #XMenMeme
#Wolverine #WolverineMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Blindfolded archery must be some sort of new
“extreme sport.” #Archery #ArcheryMeme #Sport #SportMeme #ExtremeSport
#ExtremeSportMeme #StarTrek #StarTrekMeme #CaptainPicard #CaptainPicardMeme
#CommanderRiker #CommanderRikerMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Don’t forget that daylight savings just happened earlier this morning at 2 AM so some clocks will need to be manually set back by 1 hour! #DaylightSavings #DaylightSavingsMeme #Cher #CherMeme #TurnBackTime #TurnBackTimeMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Show moreHave a safe and fun Halloween from Portland, Oregon, USA! And yes, beanies,
long-sleeve shirts, and coffee shops really are quite popular here! #Halloween
#HalloweenMeme #Halloween2024 #Halloween2024Meme #HappyHalloween
#HappyHalloweenMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Here is Michael Myers (from the Halloween
franchise) and Jason Voorhees (from the Friday the 13th franchise) right after
COVID-19 first hit. #MichaelMyers #MichaelMyersMeme #JasonVoorhees
#JasonVoorheesMeme #Halloween #HalloweenMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme
While many people believe C-3PO is sexually
attracted to humans –– or even Ewoks –– he actually is sexually attracted just
to other robots. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #C3PO #C3POMeme #Playboy #PlayboyMeme
#Movie #MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Some might say it’s mean to make fun of the
official religion of the Ewoks but I feel they’re being too superstitious. #StarWars
#StarWarsMeme #Ewok #EwokMeme #Ewoks #EwoksMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film
#FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
COVID-19 has changed the way people do business
so much, even for Darth Vader. #COVID #COVIDMeme #COVID19 #COVID19Meme
#Coronavirus #CoronavirusMeme #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #DarthVader
#DarthVaderMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
I bet ever since this meme came out Best Western
has been getting prank calls like this. #Western #WesternMeme #BestWestern
#BestWesternMeme #StarTrek #StarTrekMeme #CaptainPicard #CaptainPicardMeme #CommanderRiker
#CommanderRikerMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Captain Picard never saw that coming but maybe
he should have known that she was up to something. #StarTrek #StarTrekMeme
#CaptainPicard #CaptainPicardMeme #CounselorTroi #CounselorTroiMeme #TVShow
#TVShowMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme
Star Wars really is a better franchise than Star
Trek but I still like Star Trek too. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #StarTrek
#StarTrekMeme #DarthVader #DarthVaderMeme #CaptainPicard #CaptainPicardMeme #Movie
#MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
This meme can be described as: “A Star Wars take
on an internet favorite.” #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film
#FilmMeme #Cat #CatMeme #CatAtDinner #CatAtDinnerMeme #Yoda #YodaMeme
#YodaAtDinner #YodaAtDinnerMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
Personally I don’t mind when people “borrow” my
memes as I “borrowed” most of them myself and I find it flattering when people
think enough of them to reuse them themselves. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #Movie
#MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
This “Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the
Sith” (2005) meme makes a good point about how ridiculous the Task Manager can
be sometimes. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Computer
#ComputerMeme #TaskManager #TaskManagerMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
This picture must be from one of those Star Wars
prequels. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme #StarWarsPrequel #StarWarsPrequelMeme #Fighter
#FighterMeme #TIEFighter #TIEFighterMeme #Run #RunMeme #Running #RunningMeme #Movie
#MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
It’s more like offending 5 groups at once: Star
Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Trek, and X-Men. #StarWars #StarWarsMeme
#HarryPotter #HarryPotterMeme #LOTR #LOTRMeme #StarTrek #StarTrekMeme #XMen
#XMenMeme #Movie #MovieMeme #Film #FilmMeme #Meme #Memes #FunnyMeme #FunnyMemes
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