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Vlad Roze

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Hi! My new video
Vlad Roze
It could help Us very much if you can add this song to your Playlist on Spotify ! My Way by Vindicta¡Nos podría ayudar mucho si puedes agregar esta canción a tu lista de reproducción en Spotify! My Way de VindictaCela pourrait nous aider beaucoup si vous pouviez ajouter cette chanson à votre liste de lecture sur Spotify! My Way par Vindictaopen.spotify.com/track/0EeejXkvaTDhH5iLry7H8p
Show moreBetter Days by Corleone Montana™, Hip Hop music from Washington, DC on ReverbNation
RT How do we explain to our Kids! Give the Streets BACK to THEM and PRAY for "Better Days" www.reverbnation.com/corleonemontana/song/24550011-better-days?0&pwc
Show moreMetal music, lyrics, and videos from Donnacona, QC, CA on ReverbNation
Si tu aimes ce que tu entends, n'hésites pas pour montrer ton support avec un "J'aime" sur la page du band!! Si te gusta lo que escuches apoyanos con un "Me Gusta" en la pagina de la banda!!! If you like what you hear , Show your support with a "Like" on the band's page!! www.reverbnation.com/thefranksqc
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thanks to David Castagno, Richard Rosenthal and the whole team of
"Screamer". Yours truly have a page dedicated to us in the latest issue,
October 15. Feel free to go check it out. "Screamer" has written on
most of all the greatest metal/rock band since 1987, and it remains one
greatest magazine on Earth today. It is truly an honor to have a page on
us in the latest issue, and we thank them very much for their awesome
work. screamermagazine.com/…/riven-straight-outta-guangzh…/
Hope you like our EP guys, hope all is well, keep rockin it \m/\m/
IDJIT - Dark Woods - YouTube
Dark Woods EP released via Spinnup on all major digital stores - Visuals from animation 'Dark corners' by Kevin WEIR check out his truly awesome work at www....
Hey guys hope all is well, hope u like our EP darkwoods, more stuff coming out soon, keep rockin it \m/\m/
Music Video of Riven performing It. (C) 2015 www.rivensound.com Support us! Read more at http://rivensound.com/ and talk with us on http://www.facebook.com/m...
Second Music Video from Post-Nationalism album. IT. Time to reinvent rock émoticône grin. From the underground music scene of China. www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV__heJNzso
Show moreTrish Healson feat. Ephedra, Studio-B-Videoproduktion
Thank you for stopping by www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2neqChF9f4
Show moreMusic Video of Riven performing It. (C) 2015 www.rivensound.com Support us! Read more at http://rivensound.com/ and talk with us on http://www.facebook.com/m...
Second Music Video from Post-Nationalism album. IT. Time to reinvent rock émoticône grin. From the underground music scene of China. www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV__heJNzso
Show moreWireless is fantastic, really gets inside the brain
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