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Hello Jenny,I appreciate the connection and may every turn you take lead you to your dreams To 2015 where Wishes&Dreams are tangible.All the best to you.Didorion
Show moreJenny Morales is not only a team player in the promotions department, but she is also my songwriting partner of many written songs. Our writing chemistry is very good and we plan on hitting up our listeners with some new songs soon.Links to other sites of this wonderful person "Jenny Morales".https://twitter.com/ricanjenhttps://myspace.com/ricanjenhttp://about.me/JennyMoraleshttps://www.linkedin.com/pub/jenny-morales/13/707/aa7https://plus.google.com/+JennyMorales55https://www.facebook
Show moreLet it shine ~ Music by George Moog ~ Vocals by Nikki Ellina
I hope you like this Jenny *~*youtu.be/4qG6QINanY4 Love Nikki :-)x
Show moreThanks! We always look for any way to improve and ways to make new
friends. Talk with us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/molodies/ Also, we
just released our newest song: Bliss. Tell us what you think of it!
Jelixa Lyrics, Songs, Music, and Videos by the band Jelixa at ReverbNation
www.reverbnation.com/jelixaIndie Artist My Beta Music Jelixa Goes Global And Nationally IN Us!:}
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