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I am reaching out to everyone, to ask for some help in getting Brian out to Montana to finally meet my Parents and Family. I have had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with his lovely Family and adore them very ...
I am needing help! Any amount is so helpful. Share with anyone. There may be a kind person I don't know that could reach out and help. Donate here: fundrazr.com/campaigns/7mt51?
Show moreCan you help a friend of mine fund his film in the making. Gregory Marks and his team need help completing it! They were featured on Komo News 4!!www.komonews.com/home/related/Shift-Paradigm-on-KOMO-News-260962801.html?tab=video&c=yAnything helps. Please share!Here is the direct link to contribute: www.seedandspark.com/studio/shift-paradigm-0
Show more"SQUATCH" is a Bigfoot Horror movie like no other! It delves into the creatures dark side. Based on true stories of Bigfoot abduction & rape.
Please help fund our Film!! Yes, a Sasquatch Film!! We need all the help we can get. Share with everybody. The more people that sees this the better. Great incentives for your Contributions!! Thank you so much, your help is greatly appreciated! Together we can make this film a reality! I have jump on board of this project. I will be a Park Ranger in this film.igg.me/at/squatch/x
Show moreLet's help Bailey Stone land Miss March Candy Social!! Vote for her here and Share with everyone. Today is the last day!!www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=225886990947733&set=a.225664697636629.1073741849.132973096905790&type=1&theater
Show moreI am a Finalist!! Whahoo!! Vote for me to land the Cover!! Vote every 12 hours!! Thank you all so much for voting for me! this is a 10 year goal I am so close to accomplishing! Winner will be announced March 6th! www.facebook.com/DListMagazine?v=app_473619986093111&app_data=gaReferrerOverride%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dlistmagazine.com%252Fcovergirl
Show moreBrown Paper Tickets - The first and only fair trade ticketing company!
Come out to Support your local talent in Seattle at this Formal Event. Tickets are going fast, so Buy Your Tickets online now(lower price) and see you from the runway!! I will be Modeling in this show. www.brownpapertickets.com/event/513316
Show moreonly 7 hours left to Contribute!! There are some great rewards! I am one of the Actors in the Video! Share with everyone you know too!! www.kickstarter.com/projects/fvffilms/bar-stool-kind-of-night
Show morePlease help contribute to this Project. I am one of the Actresses in this and I am very excited. I do hope the money we need to move forward can be raised. We cannot move forward without help from you. Please Contribute what you can there are some great rewards. Please share with everyone! (copy and past if the link doesn't highlight)www.kickstarter.com/projects/fvffilms/bar-stool-kind-of-night/posts
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