Hi there,I am a small town girl from Sequim which is growing bigger every year.
I am an Actress of 5 years and Model of 9 years now. I have landed supporting roles in 4 feature Independent films(Spaceship Terror, Grimises Rising, Sisterhood of Death, and Jesus 4 Less), a lead role in 2 music videos, and featured roles in 3 others. I have also landed roles in two short films as well as a role as a featured extra in 2 other full length films called "One Square Mile" and "Never". Recently I auditioned for a Lead role in a short film called "Sentinal Peak" and landed it!! I also landed a spot in a Honda Commercial(Happy Honda Days) airing this month December 2013. First clip aired on Nov 28th during the football games. I am on an Amazing Journey and do hope you all can support me and follow me all along the way to the top!!

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