Vegas sux so far. I was told it was cheaper n easier to find work...LIES!! It's all good tho, I'm gonna bounce back just watch! I'll get my own place n be chillin like I mean to live it!
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Vegas sux so far. I was told it was cheaper n easier to find work...LIES!! It's all good tho, I'm gonna bounce back just watch! I'll get my own place n be chillin like I mean to live it!
Show moreI know God has my hand. I trust in his word. I only have this one life and I don't want to live it spending one moment without a smile
Show moreI still cant believe you would abandon me in my darkest moment. I was there for you through yours and didn't cast judgement on you for it. I stood by your side while everryone else walked away. To be honest, I'm glad you did because I'm tired of feeling like I'm never gonna be good enough for you. Your expectations are too high and that's ok but, it's just not for me. I thought it would feel so much worse than what I felt when it happened but I've shed so many tears over you that I guess I became numb to the pain. Thank you for doing what I could not..letting me go
Show moreA mind trying to stay positive when ur brain just don't wanna let you and ur taught all ur life nothing but how to see negativity is a challange...but today I will choose to be happy and stay as positive as I can. i will learn to try and look for the things in my life to be greatful for. I have a job to pay my bills, a son who is in good health, a roof over my head, a new car, people who do actually care about me, I'm in good health, and a place to go to when my mom moves and a God who never fails me when I feel others do.
Show moreI've learned life is about holding on and letting go. You just have to be happy with where you are in life and stop trying to control or change the things you just can't change. If where you're standing don't make you happy, move. Ride this wave of life like it's gonna take you to new places and enjoy the ride. If you fall, just pick yourself back up and try again.
Show moreSong with lyrics. Enjoy. I don't own the rights to the song or pictures.
I'm trying God. I'm trying sooo hard. I just want to let go... :.. (
Show moreI hate facebook now! Too many people who just wanna be all up in my business and pass their judgement. Myspace is very boring though when hardly anyone on here.
Show moreMaybe I wasn't ment to do massage? There's no money in it. I wish I didn't have to give up and go back to the job I don't like just to make ends meet and keep massage on the side. What option do I have though. If I stay, I face being homeless. If I go, I give up what I love doing :(
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