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Show moreHi! I have a new song. I will be glad if you find a minute to listen to.
Show moreHello Marie,I appreciate the connection and may every turn you take lead you to your dreams in 2014.All the best to you.Didorion
Show morehi thanx for add hope listen my music?
Show moreHave a nice Weekend =)
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Hi Marie, listen "the encounter" for free on deezer. .Have a good week
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We wanna make some great music and are always there to talk and share inspiration and knowledge
BTW we released our new song - "Hollow". We would appreciate if you could tell us what you think of it. At this point any criticism is welcome. Thank you.
Thank you for connecting, Marie. I invite you to listen to my music and hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend! Cheers!
Show morethx Marie ;) alles Inferno bei dia?
Show moreThanks for the connect! How do you do? Btw we have a new release song - : "It", If you got time please check it out. at this point we could use some criticism. Thanks!
Show moreDanke Fürs Freunde Sein!Wenn Du Lust Hast,Kannst Du Unsere Facebookseite Liken!Schöne Woche Und Cheers!
Show moreBonjour Marie
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