HOLLY HUNTER, I want to run something by U, look, I saw your Man
Earl / Leon Rippy /
In an Alien Movie Called , The Arrival, you probably already know he was in it, He was one of the Aliens, Their Knees were twisted, The Diamond Girl from
our camp can do her
knees like that, I got to tell her to watch The Arrival, its free now on Youtube.
Lol. Then I watched
“Down to Earth” That Movie with Chris Rock and Regina King in it.
I saw CHAZZ PALMINTERI in that Movie. He appeared to me in a Vision not to make me a Billionaire, so that I could get a date with REGINA
KING. He gave me a Horrible Message in a vision. About a Classic
Horror Movie. I heed that Message, He looks exactly like the Real, VINCENT THE CHIN. I saw The Real
Vincent The Chin in a vision, He was a Black skeleton in a Silk Suite
on Fire. I am going to do
what he told me also. I know these messages are coming from God.
CHAZZ PALMINTERI, if this gets to you. I GOT THE MESSAGE. Thanks
for the Heads Up. Lol.