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HOME GIRL U funny U know that. Who were U talking to Me or Janet
Jackson ? I Guess
we both are babies
of the family. I will never forget when your Uncles and Them Made it
MOTOWN. They came
home with those Big Hats and Bell Bottoms. We were all Jumping up and
down about that
record they had “I SHALL NOT BE MOVED” with the MOTOWN LABEL ON
I tell you they
were the Sh---. to Us. You have to be from DIE POINT to know
anything about them.
PS. Who was the
Third Diva Looking Thru The Windows. ? lol Holla at me.
P.S. U don't have to worry about me trying to Hollar. lolHOME GIRL
Show moreSo, HOME GIRL, Who was that doing all that talking behind my Back,
or what was that ?
That’s Y the Ancient Times People were always talking about the Gods. His
Baby ? Everything
is his baby. That was something way beyond my understanding. I saw
your B-More concert
on Youtube . Wow !!!!!
I got FaceBook, Mixed up with MySpace. Anyway. HOLLY HUNTER, HOLLY
HUNTER. What u doing with that Herschel Walker Sheriff's Badge on
your hip. I knew u was a Republican lol.
J. BLIGE , MARY J. BLIGE, MARY J. BLIGE I hope this reaches
you. I see that,
that thing that, we saw is finally coming true.
I did not understand that vision for years. Now I see, very Sad
Indeed. I Believe that you know
exactly what I am talking about. Thanks for the HUG by the way.
Check out START TREK . On Netflix They are fighting the Romulans
in that Movie.
When The Young Mr. Spock “ The New Guy “ NOT Lenard Nimoy “ is
kissing Uhuru. In in the
Mouth At precisely 1.38 hours into the movie.
He says to Kirk that he HAS NO COMMENT ON THE MATTER , after he
kisses her.
Very Interesting.
MARY J. BLIGE , MARY J. BLIGE, MARY J. BLIGEHope this reaches you. I see that,
that thing that, we saw is finally coming true.
I did not understand that vision for years. Now I see, very Sad Indeed. I Believe that you
exactly what I am
talking about. Thanks for the HUG by the way.
Check out START TREK. On Netflix They are fighting the Romulans
in that Movie.
Then The Young Mr.
Spock “ The New Guy “ NOT Lenard Nimoy “ is kissing Uhuru. In in the
Mouth At precisely
1.38 hours into the movie.
He says to Kirk that
he HAS NO COMMENT ON THE MATTER , after he kisses her.
Very Interesting.
HOLLY HUNTER. I was listening to one of my Rolling Stones
Playlist. I just notice something.
Dey are telling all
Stones Fans to GET OFF DEY CLOUD, Umm. I saw Them, on their Cloud
Rocking Out. U, were with me. I just threw them a piece sign. The
Greatest Rock In Roll Band Of All Time, The Greatest Actress Of All
Time. The boy ask me, he said , What's your claim to fame. I am still
trying to figure that one out too.
I guess I am just an
All Right , Guy, lol.
HOLLY HUNTER. I know that is U saying, Good Bye, and NO. I have
heard that enough times from U by now.
We don’t know what
their plans are. They being GOD and, or Who ever sent the Greatest
of all time to be my
friend. Hey, and I ain’t no Mr. Templeton, from the original
Twilight Zone.
Very similar
situation. U know that guy in the original Twilight Zone Episode the
Rip Van Winkle Caper
that has my same last name. I don’t wear my black baseball hat
like that, and I ain’t no Criminal.
I thought about U, I
was looking at the 2020 Version of the Twilight Zone. I was only
1 year old when that
Episode with the Guy that has my name came out. UMM lol
Mrs. Gwen, I am not even going to try to Guess What Tragedy you were
crying about. We are doing Comcast
Commercials again. Can you do me a favor and Tell RON HOWARD to eat
his heart out. Lol. Hey Opie Your Daughter is hot GUY. !!!
I Saw his Brother in an Old Start Trek Episode.
Google knows every website that I visit. And they sent me an Article on U.
I did not know that
you had 3 Grammy Awards, and numerous other Music Awards, Hey that
is Y, U are Gwen Stefani.
Hello Gwen Stefani, I didn't know U worked at a Library. How did you see me, in the mix with with all of those God Souls Around ?
Show moreHEY 'BIG LOTTO' U killing it on that Tom Tom Club Joint. U doing some Janet Jackson, Madonna Stuff, on that one. WuWeeeeeeee. To Answer the question U pose when the video first starts, Does a Fan Like Me have to be an Investment Banker to get a date with Big Lotto. If you deal with Repair Men, I can give U my, RICHMAN FLEX, there u go. lol
Show moreHOLLY HUNTER, I had a favorite restaurant that I use to go to downtown, Washington, D.C. The night before 911, I saw a Comet that looked like The Dome of The Rock in Jerusalem, soaring down toward the earth, near the restaurant, and then I saw all of these people running, Washingtonians running for their Life. That was 20 years ago Little did I know at the time. U know that I am telling the truth. Love U.
Show moreHOLLY HUNTER, or anybody that can get any of this, lol. Not even Julia Mossbride can explain, How I was able to Lift, Holly Hunter up on my shoulder without grabbing her butt, and, have her show me where to place the HOLLY HUNTER photo on the studio wall.
Somebody Remote Viewed Me. The reason Y, I am telling U is because, a
similar incident happened under the Carter Administration.
President Carter is from Georgia,
U are from Georgia,
Right. Well anyway a US plane went down in Africa, Their remote
viewer saw
it. A villager came
running out of the jungle with a piece of the wreckage. There was a
PG County
police car in our
parking lot, I have never seen one there before, just sitting
unoccupied, and I was taking my license plates off my old car, and
walking away just like the villager in Africa, and a cop comes out of
no where asking questions. Very similar, very odd. That was God, or
somebody with God like powers. Talk to me if U know something. I
don’t know if that was Challenge from a Remote Viewer, if it was,
they are good. I am not a remote viewer, I just see Dead Business
Men, mostly, lol. P.S. The cop was wearing white clothes and
driving a white car, not black, lol again, get it.
HOLLY HUNTER. Somebody Remote Viewed Me. The reason Y, I am telling
U is because, a similar incident happened under the Carter
Administration. President Carter is from Georgia,
U are from Georgia,
Right. Well anyway a US plane went down in Africa, Their remote viewer saw
it. A villager came
running out of the jungle with a piece of the wreckage. There was a
PG County police car in our
parking lot, I have never seen one there before, just sitting unoccupied, and I was taking my license plates off my old car, and
a cop comes out of no where asking questions. Very similar, very odd.
That was God, or somebody with God like powers. Talk to me if U
know something. I don’t know if that was challenge from a Remote
Viewer, if it was, they are good. I am not a remote viewer, I just
see Dead Business Men, mostly, lol. PS the cop was wearing white
clothes and driving a white car, not black, lol again, get it.
HOLLY HUNTER, I want to run something by U, look, I saw your Man
Earl / Leon Rippy /
In an Alien Movie Called , The Arrival, you probably already know he was in it, He was one of the Aliens, Their Knees were twisted, The Diamond Girl from
our camp can do her
knees like that, I got to tell her to watch The Arrival, its free now on Youtube.
Lol. Then I watched
“Down to Earth” That Movie with Chris Rock and Regina King in it.
I saw CHAZZ PALMINTERI in that Movie. He appeared to me in a Vision not to make me a Billionaire, so that I could get a date with REGINA
KING. He gave me a Horrible Message in a vision. About a Classic
Horror Movie. I heed that Message, He looks exactly like the Real, VINCENT THE CHIN. I saw The Real
Vincent The Chin in a vision, He was a Black skeleton in a Silk Suite
on Fire. I am going to do
what he told me also. I know these messages are coming from God.
CHAZZ PALMINTERI, if this gets to you. I GOT THE MESSAGE. Thanks
for the Heads Up. Lol.
HOLLY HUNTER : Well what you told me happened exactly, but I wasn't able to pin point it exactly. But it happened, I am going to concentrate harder if I get another Heads Up. There is a reason Y they sent a Mega Millionaire to be with me, I will use a quote from one of the The Time Tunnel Episodes. O The Ways Of The Gods Are Strange.PS: I was looking for U on the "Zeus Network" Fighting with the strippers, I did not see U yet. lol.
Show moreMrs . GWEN, let me start by saying this, I now know why every time I
go to Google on my phone
I see a Gwen Stefani
Article. It’s Google Analytics, they know I am a Gwen Stefani Fan.
Gwen, U said that
you were flattered that a young and up and coming artist knew You.
If they are
in the Pop Gene, I
think they would know U. Let me say this, I think that everybody is
we have one that
works here that met you Face to Face. Let me just say Thank God for
the hand of the Man.
May all of U Gwen Stefani Clone Fans follow and do the same.
Do huh. OK, I can now read that entire Visual Episode in my Mind.
coming from a more
reliable source than my conscience mind.
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