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greetings give thanks for the connection please listen to one of our tunes soundcloud.com/owootelly/rasta-youth-sample
Show moreGlad to meet you Andrea. God bless you.
Show moreWrote this for my daughter ( https://vimeo.com/85321020 )who introduced me to these bands...For No Doubt footage thanks to Beacon Street Online - beaconstreetonline.netThe Blonde Redhead and Zero 7 footage is used by permission of Karina Correa - filmsbyhand.com ; Doctor Klein -twitter.com/doctorkle
Greetings from the U.S. Andrea - I am a songwriter - here's a song I wrote about bands my daughter was into when she was growing up (the video has some familiar faces) myspace.com/musicianchris1/video/no-doubt-blonde-redhead-zero-7/109815345
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