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Don't know. Don't care.Set this place on fire.
Show moreDownload full version Tesseract - Nocturne http://u.to/0Q_DAw
Show moreOk...Myspace, I don't like you.Chrystal...I got the notification that you connected to me. But because your profile is set to private, you have to approve the connection request -I- sent -you- in order for us to chat back and forth or message one another. Same with any of the comments I posted on your pics lately.Also, I found something that I think you should know about.If you can't reach me here for whatever reason, my twitter, FB, and email are all still the same as they were before. As is my text-only #(6012929004)Guess I'll hear from you eventually.Myspace, did I mention I don't like you?
Show moreStill waiting on my friend to accept the connection request so we can actually talk.Other than that...I'm getting things moving to get rich and get the hell out of this country in the next 15 years.
Show moreOk. So I figured this much out.Chrys, you connected to me. BUT you still have to accept my connection request in order for us to chat or anything.Hell, I don't even know if you can even see my damn "wall" here. But anyway...that's it.I just found out last night I was lied to VERY thoroughly by someone I had been VERY close to.So between that and this new myspace....I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Show moreYeah. Still says pending on my end when I look at her profile. Yet I am looking at the notification that says she connected to me.
Show moreI want to the option to "Stab New MySpace In Face And Go Back To The Old One"Why is this not an option??? I FEEL CHEATED lol
Show moreI'm hoping you can see this, Chrys. My email is the same as it used to be, as is my twitter. ALSO 6012929004 -- totally free texting. Hit me up somehow, hun! I am still here.
Show moreOk. The new Myspace is really kind of pissing me off. It SAYS my friend just connected to me....yet still says pending on my end when I check their profile. And we still can't message each other!!! WTFAJHFCJFACFGAXFGXA >:C *MEGAxANGRYFACE*Hun, my email is still the same as it used to be! Msg me there! I know I'll get it there....here....well...shit.MYSPACE, GET YER SHIT IN A SOCK AND GET MOVIN' ON GETTIN THIS CRAP RIGHT.
Show moreWhat's the latest? I just found someone I haven't spoken to in TWO YEARS and was in the middle of the conversation when you guys decided to just....up and change the whole fucking site. This was the ONLY place I could find her after 2 years of looking. I finally find her and you **************** cut us off in mid-conversation.First conversation in two years. And you ************************* cut it so you do what? Make some more money?Fuck you.
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