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This song call Time machine nante iranai,farmer AKB48,Atsuko Maeda,song cover

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This song call Time machine nante iranai,farmer AKB48,Atsuko Maeda,song cover
This is Skid Row cover,song call Quick Sand Jesus,これはSkid RowのカバーでQuick Sand Jesus
This song call Roundabout,Original is band call YES,Paul Gilbert cover,この曲はRoundabout,オリジナルはYESというバンド、Paul Gilbertのカバー
This song is EXTREME song cover song call Stop the world,I tried very hard to play this song but so far I can Play This Level,この曲はEXTREMEのStop The Worldのカバーで...
This is Kiss song cover song call Hard Luck Woman,この曲はKissというバンドのカバーHard luck womanです。
This song is Kiss cover song call Sure know something,この曲はKissのカバーSure Know Somethingです。
This song call Sekiajyu no dare yori zututo Miho Nakayama cover,I really tried hard but I can play this level so far,これは中山美穂さんの”世界中の誰よりきっと”カバーです、頑張りましたが今はこのレ...
This song call I'm alive ,Sebastian Bach song cover,I'm broken heart,I dedicate this song to Rena Matui,この曲はSebastian BachのI'm aliveです、傷心です、松井怜奈さんに捧げます
This is Motley Crue song cover Bastard ,これはMotley CrueのカバーBastardです。
I've been taken those hell of medications.if I found dead Plz some one call vh 1or knac or some place to play by your side Sebastian bach or life is beautiful sixx am
Show moreThis song call "Time Machine nante Iranai"Atsuko Maeda song cover
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