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Sioux Falls, SD
  • Hey baby, I was just kreep'n on your MySpace page and wanted to let you know that I love you and always will love you no matter if were together in a relationship or just friends.. Truth be told your a cool ass woman, real as fuck and your far from stupid.. In the course of talking to you and becoming friends to being romantically involved from july 5th till now (September 10th) I've learned a great deal about the world, life and how I fit into it all.. Believe it or jot you've helped me to grow in more ways then one and for that I'm forever greatful.. And I will always love you, but if we break up I don't think I could just "have" love for you...... I'd still be madly "in" love with you.. Sorry that I'm a pain in the ass at times and act up but I'm learning to deal with it and I just ask that you have patience and work through it with me.. All relationships arnt perfect and they have there rough patches and growing pain but if we continue to talk it out and resolve our differences in a peaceful and healthy way then the rewards that we will enjoy from all the hard work and continues effort that we put forth WILL BE WORTH IT!! I promis you that.. I'd do anything for you and you know it and I just ask that you treat me no differently then I treat you, give me the same respect I give you, show me the same love I show you..
    Its crazy that I'm writing this cause you'll probably never see it but I just had to say all this to make myself feel better..
    Stay real, stay true, stay loyal and stay strong..

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