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    The rewind of the weekend is needed to all souls in need of empower in preparation to follow week ahead. #rest #mind #control #perfection #direct # passion #love
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    🎬 Just call my name… 🎤 Now look over your shoulder and I will be…🎼 #mariahcarey #jacksonfive #michaeljackson #love #strenght (at London, United Kingdom)[|]
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    In life preparations are the key for success, so whatever angle you shoot at, you will give the same flawless image! #Intelligence #US #UK #brazil #visitbrazil #travel #business #holiday #lifeinbrazil #motoring #engenharia #cars #bmw #mercedes #VW #ford #fiat #Porsche #Ferrari
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    The heat of Goiania to keep as feeling the warmth & energy of beautiful @ukinbrazil . Love & travel around @Alemanha_BR to experience the impressive beauty of the one of the most blessed landscape of earth. Happy Weekend everyone! #Brazil #travel #business #holiday #Floripa #SC
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    On 11th September 2001 was my second week in London Lite English studying advanced level. When I heard from Angela Reed the sad news about the "WTC" tragedy. It was lovely gesture offering a lift home in my ex (Keith Moore) car "GTI black Golf WV" parked @ Heaven Nightclub!
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    Your future depends of your education, applying to all classes in Brazil depends of changes you will do to your education, discipline and morals. First world nations will never change to to match your third world lack of manner, skills and professionalism. The problem isn't first world nations but third nations needs to copy their education, discipline and honesty.
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    Motor manufacturing and all other industrial development should be aiming to achieve new horizons. The old politicians and corrupt society in Brazil should always be challenged. Never trust anyone with that in mind "credit scores" agencies are a most implementation in Brazil. 🧐🇧🇷️🤨 Yes to all the fighters ready to work hard to built a strong industrial, retail friendly to international brands & technology advanced Brazil! #fighters#brasilia_DF #brasil — in Goiânia, Brazil.
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    A baby should not be conceived for financial gain or famously know the 9 months coup! #familyplanning #family #coup #golpe #condoms #camisinha#preservative #contraceptive
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    🎵The way it's meant to be! 🎶🔝 #MichaelJacksonDay #fun #music#HappyBirthdayMichaelJackson
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    weber_pereira10🎂🍭🍰🍭🍿🍭HAPPY BIRTHDAY #michaeljackson 🍿🍭🎂🍭🍰🍭 celebrate 🎉in his memory @princejackson🎊 @parisjackson🎀 & Co🎏🎎🎌🎈
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    O crime de falsidade ideológicaArt. 299 – O crime de falsidade ideológica está previsto no artigo 299 do Código Penal, que descreve a conduta criminosa como sendo o ato de omitir a verdade ou inserir declaração falsa, em documentos públicos ou particulares, com o objetivo de prejudicar direito, criar obrigação ou alterar a verdade sobre fato juridicamente.CGTJ-DFFalsificar Documento PúblicoArt. 297 – Falsificar, no todo ou em parte, documento público, ou alterar documento público verdadeiro: Pena – reclusão, de dois a seis anos, e multa. § 1º - Se o agente é funcionário público, e comete o crime prevalecendo - se do cargo, aumenta – se a pena de Sexta parte.#falsidade ideológica#falsificação#documentário#art 297#art 299
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    Today the reminder is that; exercise is the only health solution for weight control & body tightness! Your diet should be rich in antioxidant superfoods, protein, minerals, balanced grain carbs packed with fibre. Remembering to add collagen and immune boost herbs and supplements to your diet these include: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and Zinc. 🧐💚🧐💚🧐💚🧐#white_gold_star #adam_adam #goiânia #goiás#gyn — in Jardim América.
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    O Brasileiro como pessoa nunca pode ser confiado, especialmente todos os empregados públicos, desde Juízes até a limpeza no Tribunal Judicial. A corregedoria existe para fazer um trabalho de limpeza daquele empregado público que tal se sujou no processo/percurso de trabalho. Lei não tem glamour nem espaço para namoro, amizade colorida e furto. O poder judiciário em qualquer parte do mundo existe para forca a sociedade o cumprir normas que assista a população a se manter dentro de um comportamento aceitável para a sociedade local. [|]
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    The Stars make love to the universe, You my wild fire... #moral #audreyhepburn #shakira #love #passion #thirstythursday
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    The power within can move a mountain! If Weber don't go to the mountain the mountain shall come to Weber! The existence of powers beyond and above your understanding can be tormenting, doubtful and confusing around and inside the mind of those uneducated living humans!#superhumans #wizards #christ #king #existance #white_gold_star #adam_adam #goiânia #goiás #brasilia_DF #brasil — in Jardim América.

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