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Official Vrademargk video for "Fear Itself" Produced by La Rulos Producciones Download and listen the full album for free: http://vrademargk.bandcamp.com/ Fo...
¡Ha llegado la hora! Aquí tenéis nuestro
primer videoclip oficial. Esperamos que os guste y que nos ayudéis a
difundirlo!! // The time has arrived! Here you are our first official
music video. Hope you like it and help us to spread it! youtu.be/8WdiHHMQlEI
Nos complace anunciar que formamos parte de la familia de STIGIA
PROMOTIONS & MANAGEMENT , junto a bandas de la talla de FOSCOR,
Sound Of Silence, Embellish, Noctem...www.stigia.es/noticia.php?id=429
The Black Chamber by VRADEMARGK, released 16 November 2013 1. Into The Heart Of Death 2. Undesired Funeral 3. Fear Itself 4. Anima Invictus 5. Taste The Sin 6. Més Enllà De l'Abisme 7. The Empathic Misanthrope 8. The Black Chamber 9. Deathcell Migration
Download and listen our new album "The Black Chamber" for free!!vrademargk.bandcamp.com/album/the-black-chamber
Show moreThe Black Chamber studio report - Guitars 2013
Show moreSecond track from the Vrademargk's upcoming New album "The Black Chamber" Lyric video selfproduced by Vrademargk Artwork by Visual Decay : http://www.visuald...
Buenas,Nos complace anunciar que hemos realizado un lyric video para presentar una de las canciones que formará parte de nuestro nuevo disco "The Black Chamber". La canción en concreto es "Undesired Funeral" y será la segunda pista del disco.www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y0LrDz9v0s
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