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Listen to and buy Basil music on CD Baby, the independent record store by musicians for musicians.
O my beloved friend,
The day has come for me to upload the final part of my magnum opus: ‘ID part 4; FOR WE MAY NEVER, EVER MAKE IT’. I firmly believe it’s the best musical piece I’ve
composed so far. It’s SO GOOD that, whenever I listen to it, I get a rather
persistent arousal. As a result of this, the cats in my neighbourhood get
spooked & run for the hills (which are quite far for I live in a flat
Well then, ENJOY!
Your comments are welcome & appreciated.
I’d also like to inform You that 2 of my songs are now available for purchase at:
Finally, I’d like to invite You to my other pages as well:
Best wishes!
Peace & love,
Friday, October 11 is the second annual International Day of the Girl Child, and this year's theme is about innovating for girls' education! Even though more...
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