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See the latest photos, videos, music, mixes and GIFs from Tullio_T69.
Tullio_T69's Portfolio on Myspace myspace.com/tulliot69/portfolio
Show moreSee the latest photos, videos, music, mixes and GIFs from Tullio_T69.
Tullio_T69's Portfolio on Myspace myspace.com/tulliot69/portfolio
Show moreFate come gli alberi: cambiate le foglie e conservate le radici. Quindi, cambiate le vostre idee ma conservate i vostri principi. Machen Sie es wie die Bäume: ändern die Blätter und die Wurzeln erhalten. Also, ändern Sie Ihre Ideen, aber halten Sie Ihre Prinzipien. Do as the trees: change the leaves and preserved the roots. so, change your ideas but keep your principles. Faites comme les arbres: changer les feuilles et les racines préservé. Donc, changer les idées mais gardez vos principes. Lakukan sebagai pohon: mengubah daun dan diawetkan akar. jadi, mengubah ide-ide Anda, tetapi menjaga prinsip-prinsip Anda. Victor Hugo
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