Third video from PARALLEL ONOMATOPOEIA, a journey into the human experience of reality about today!
Hi people from Trava Sure!
Since the abstract universe a present 4 U:

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Third video from PARALLEL ONOMATOPOEIA, a journey into the human experience of reality about today!
Hi people from Trava Sure!
Since the abstract universe a present 4 U:
40 Days and 40 Nights by Corleone Montana™, Hip Hop music from Washington, DC on ReverbNation
There's a new video to new song! "40 Days and 40 Nights" www.reverbnation.com/corleonemontana/song/24981791-40-days-and-40-nights?0&pwc%5Bbranded%5D=1 See Video: youtu.be/5tLpUGDNPfE
Show moreHave you booked your flights to New York City for this Christmas, if not hurry up and call travasure.com and grab your best deal for New York and happiest Christmas as never before. Christmas in the New York City is the stuff dreams are made of. You don't have to move to the mountains in…
Show morePopular Places to Visit in Vegas with #LowCostFlightsgoo.gl/arBHjs
Show more“On the #InsideLookingOut "#BetterDays" https://t.co/kFClz6opnF #ReverbNation #CMPMediaEmpire”
#NewSong by #CorleoneMontana - #CMPMediaEmpire Recording Artist twitter.com/CMPMediaEmpire/status/671927523660439552 RT Thank You!
Show more#TravaSure - Availing the Cheapest #FlightstoLasVegas
Better Days by Corleone Montana™, Hip Hop music from Washington, DC on ReverbNation
Check out our new song "Better Days" when you get time rvrb.fm/20SLCsE
Show moreHip Hop music, lyrics, and videos from Washington, DC on ReverbNation
Check out Corleone Montana
Unique Original Music
Wrote this for my daughter ( https://vimeo.com/85321020 )who introduced me to these bands...For No Doubt footage thanks to Beacon Street Online - beaconstreetonline.netThe Blonde Redhead and Zero 7 footage is used by permission of Karina Correa - filmsbyhand.com ; Doctor Klein -twitter.com/doctorkle
Trava Sure - Thanks for connecting! Here is a music video I made that you might like - it's an original acoustic song, with some familiar faces in the video. Best wishes, Chris myspace.com/musicianchris1/video/no-doubt-blonde-redhead-zero-7/109815345
Show moreThis is probably the corniest song I've every written.More music on Bandcamp: http://tinyurl.com/cpbandamp
Thanks for connecting! This has nothing to do with air travel, but here's a peaceful, somewhat corny song I wrote: myspace.com/musicianchris1/video/reach-for-the-light/109838957
Show moregive thanks for the connection please listen one of our tunes soundcloud.com/owootelly/beat-theme-demo
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