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TOTAL DEATH TOTAL DEATH was formed in Valencia in the summer of 1988. It was one of the first bands on the Extreme Metal scene at Spain. The band works since 1988 (all the time) to today.
Remember, all our music, 26 years of BLOODY METAL in bandcamptotaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/
Show moreSLAUGHTER CITY by TOTAL DEATH, released 01 October 2014 1. The Call 2. Come Back to Hell 3. Let Me Die 4. Asphyxia 5. Soul in Pain 6. My Resurrection 7. Take Much More 8. Lost in the Space and Time 9. Serial Killer 10. Requiem Label: FNS Recording: Jorge Vila (FNS, Valencia, Spain) Mixing & Mastering: Andy Classen (Stade-One Studio, Germany) Original format: LP vinyl 12"
SLAUGHTER CITY available on bandcamptotaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/album/slaughter-city
Show moreBrutal cover of Kiss included in the single "The Call"totaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/track/god-of-thunder
Show moreTHE CALL by TOTAL DEATH, released 01 September 2014 1. The Call 2. The Brains Eater 3. God of Thunder Label: FNS Recording: Jorge Vila (FNS, Valencia, Spain) Mixing& Mastering: Andy Classen (Stage-One-Studio, Germany) Original format: -
FREE DOWNLOAD the new single of TOTAL DEATH, THE CALLtotaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/album/the-call
Show moreYOU'RE OVER (Unreleased) by TOTAL DEATH, released 18 March 1995 1. You're Over Recorded for the film "El día de la bestia" in march'95. The song was not selected finally for the film.
Unos meses antes de grabar "Another Dirge", concrétamente en marzo de 1995, grabamos un tema para la película "El día de la bestia". Entonces no sabíamos cómo se llamaba la película y nos enteramos del concurso a través de la revista "Heavy Rock". Finalmente el tema no fue seleccionado, pero siempre quedará grabado. Con vosotros.... "You're Over"totaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/album/youre-over-unreleased
Show moreEntrevista en Necromance:necromance.eu/total-death-esp-entrevista/
Show moreTrack by track...youtu.be/NtO_vcev9-8
Show moreCIUDAD MATADERO by TOTAL DEATH, released 06 January 2014 1. La Llamada 2. Instinto Carnicero 3. Engendro Infernal 4. Asfixia 5. Alma en Pena 6. La Resurrección del Mal 7. Incinerador 8. En la Oscuridad 9. Mírame 10. Requiem
Ya está disponible el nuevo disco CIUDAD MATADERO totaldeath1988.bandcamp.com/album/ciudad-matadero
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