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Realizing a Dream Thomas Sorensen, Founder of MeeWork.com I am reaching out to all of you because I hope you can help me realize a dream. I am a 29-year-old from Denmark. A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. Lymph cancer had spread to my stomach. It was a very difficult time for m...
Three people has donated to my campaign now. I really hope some of you would consider donating too. I would be really touched and grateful.You can visit my campaign here: www.gofundme.com/creative-awareness
Show moreMeeWork has been birthed! A super-explosive viral outreach to people across the globe.
I have spent a lot of time on my crowdfunding campaign. The focus is on creative children and adults as well as cancer treatment. This means that when MeeWork
start generating revenue, then half of the revenue go to help children and adults with cancer. The money will help to give them a better life and good experiences as they struggle with their cancer.
I hope you will stop
by my campaign and share it. I would be very
grateful for donations, regardless of size and if you would help spread my campaign virally.
By the way, I made
a little video for my campaign too :)
Realizing A Dream I am reaching out to all of you, because I hope you can help me realize a dream come true. I am 29 years old and from Denmark. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Lymph cancer had spread to my stomach. It was a very difficult time for my family and me. Neverthele...
I kindly ask you to look at my campaign called “Realizing A Dream”. I would be deeply grateful for it.
Thomas Sorensen
Creativity is Prayer. . . MeeWork is the Answer! MeeWork has been birthed. A user-friendly
personal pinboard focusing on creativity whereby one can have exposure, share and sell their soulful creations.
I kindly welcome all of you on my creative showcase site, MeeWork-meework.com
You are a creative soul?You would like to display your work and portfolio?You would like to sell your work?You create music, art, film & TV, literature, comics, animation etc.?You would like to be around other creative people? Then you are more than welcome to create a free profile on meework.com/ MeeWork is full of aspiring/professional artists, buyers and people who appreciate your creative work.
Show moreI really need help from all my artistic and creative friends here on Myspace. I would be very happy if you would create a free profile on meework.com/ MeeWork is a new personal portfolio and showcase pinboard, I have created. You can
show your art, music, films, literature, comics, drawings or anything
you have created. You can also sell your work if you want that. I also need to reach out to more people. Therefore, I hope you will share MeeWork with your friends and colleagues.
Show moreHi Friend. MeeWork is now completely re-designed. Many of you already know Pinterest. MeeWork is also a pinboard now, but it is only focused on creative people. That means you can pin anything about your own work whether it is art, music, acting, drawing, photography,
comics, filmmaking etc. It is a portfolio and showcase pinboard. I have also made it very user-friendly. I hope you will try it out, so there can be some activity. I would really appreciate it. Moreover, I am very thankful for your support. I also hope you will share MeeWork with your friends. You can create a
free profile right here: meework.com.
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