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Présentation du groupe The Veil, qui sera sur la scène du Dead End Fest #2 le samedi 13 Décembre 2014 au Jardin Moderne (Rennes)
The Veil live at Rennes 13/12/2014 at Dead end fest.
Show moreSummer trip down to memory lane, the year
is 2007, the songs White, Revelation 12, Before all things, come to life
but were never pressed. Rediscover them on soundcloud in between two
barbecues !( or in our case in between too storms !)soundcloud.com/notox/before-all-things
From the album :"An Electrical Sun" - The Veil (Saint Voodoom/ Finisterian Dead End 2013). http://www.finisteriandeadend.com/an%20electrical%20sun.html https...
An Argonaut down the manhole, I crawl, In a river of mercury. I fear not, getting closer to my goal, the opium of Entropy ..www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1ulsMu-WkY
Show moreFrom the album :"An Electrical Sun" - The Veil (Saint Voodoom/ Finisterian Dead End 2013). http://www.finisteriandeadend.com/an%20electrical%20sun.html https...
EXCLUSIVE : The Veil brand new (and first)
music video for the album "An Electrical Sun"! Here is "Clockwork
Flowers"!! Enjoy /like/share/comment/support !! A massive Thanks to
everyone involved!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uIp-F1-ssY
The Veil in ORKUS magazin!!!www.orkus.de/?id=5559&siteId=news
Show moreThe Veil en concert le 9 février à Paris + The Ersatz www.facebook.com/events/465923463513591/ A Nantes le 12 février + La Puanteur des marais www.facebook.com/events/495610323892974/ A Lorient le 15 février + la puanteur des Marais www.facebook.com/events/251675895008139/
Show moreIf you like our new album "An Electical Sun",
please vote for us on this cool Radio poll from Nicaragua ! :D just
follow the link ! Thank you so much for your support, everyone ! / Si
vous aimez notre album "An Electrical Sun", votez pour nous dans ce
sondage d'une radio du Nicaragua ! :D Merci a tous pour votre soutien!
Lien a cliquer ci dessous.. radiogothicnica.blogspot.co.uk/
from a few days in france shooting our music video for the song
"Clockwork Flowers"! Exhilarating and intense experience !! A massive
thanks to Pablo Caraballo Sierra , Guillaume and Yann from the PSY
CORPORATION (realisation and filming), Zargow Richam (Lights) Sid Ska
(props) and Lena Zee ( MUA) for embracing our vision and bringing in
their own art and talent, you guys rock ! Post production Updates to
follow very soon
The Veil - An Electrical Sun www.obskuremag.net/chroniques/the-veil-an-electrical-sun/
Show moreÜber 30.000 Artikel bei EMP • Heavy Metal, Rock & Hardcore Band T-Shirts, CDs +Exklusive Editionen! Schneller Versand mit DHL. Nur 2,95€ Versandkosten✓
Hallo an alle deutschen Freunde! Ihr könnt ab sofort unser neues Album "An Electrical Sun" als limitierte Digipack-Auflage hohlen unter folgedem Link:www.emp.de/veil-the-an-electrical-sun-cd/art_264313/
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