watch star wars episode VII the force awakens online movie free putlocker
watch star wars episode VII the force awakens : Time line set after 30 years of the previous installment of Star wars VI Return of The Jedi, Star Wars Episode VII.
This threat is First Order who wants to rule the Galaxy. He
is opposed by General Leia Organa and the Resistance. Both General Leia Organa
and Resistance is also in search of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. In between all
this, a new bunch of heroes rises. One was force-sensitive scavenger from Jakku
named Rey, second is a stormtrooper named Finn and the third one is the best
pilot named Poe Dameron. They all have the same mission; one is to search
skywalker and second is to destroy the First order's new superweapon,
Starkiller base. There is no specific end of this story in Star War: Episode
VII and will continue to its next part.