  • United States Patent and Trademark Office

    Home page of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's main web site.

    As a global intellectual property start up, global people and countries share the Brand FUTURE for their own ideas. As the sole proprietor, my interest is to form a company and to find people with experience and to find investors and business partners that would share this vision. Search for trademarks application serial no 76259991 -76133905 - 76690134 - for brand FUTURE filed year 2000. Also search trademarks owner Kent G Anderson .Kent Anderson 925 N Griffin Bismarck, ND to see over a decade of life's work and ideas. Also network solutions account no 1412873 with over 300 + domain names EGYPTFUTURE.COM, country names, city names with FUTURE since 2000. Also search for United Kingdom Trademark Registration No. 2290533 FUTURE Filed 2001 and European (CTM) Trademark Registration No 003886983 FUTURE. The design is like a Global IP Online FUTURE -FUTURE COUNTRY. The global people share the brand FUTURE for their own ideas. Its important to find the people who share

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