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www.linkedin.com/slink?code=e6xG43A preciosity
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Show moreEs ist soweit! Hier kommt mal eine andere Seite von uns zum Vorschein :D Wir lieben One Piece und wir lieben natürlich auch dieses erste deutsche Opening! Es...
Time for a brand new music video! You should really check it out..we put some love and fun into it..and I am sure you will enjoy it ;D Pleaaaase share it and leave some feedback!Thanks for connecting ;DAnd please take a look at our brand new music video..we would be very thankfull :D And it is a delicacy for all One Piece fans ;DDwww.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Dv679FDNA
Show moreKomposition: Songtext, Gesang, Strings, Percussion - Dustin Groß Gitarren, Bass, Percussion, Mix, Master - Kevin Schwinn Video: Idee; Männlicher Protagonist,...
And here it is! Our new music video!
We really need your support this time,
so we would be really pleased if you would watch it and may leave a
like, because it is part of a contest ;D Just tell us what you think
about it and drop your feedback bombs right here :)youtu.be/a4EeF0R9rUY
-----------------------------Bitte lesen/Please read------------------------------ Yo Leutz! Wie ihr sehen könnt werden wir ab Sonntag, mit unserem neuen Son...
The time has come! On
Sunday our new video will celebrate its premiere in the context of an
online contest! This is a really big chance for us, so we will really
need your support :) This is the most complex project we accomplished
until now, therefore it would be great if you will watch and like it. We
made a little update video for you to provide you with further
details (don't worry if you don't understand German, you can activate
the English subtitles we wrote for you ;D). youtu.be/3T_Qy7pYqHE
Schöne Grüße und tolle Musik, weiter so :-)
Show moreSolar Occasus Drowning In Reverse, released 08 December 2013
We are back! It has been kind of silent on our page here and we are sorry
for that :o But we have worked on our biggest project until now and we
will need your support at the beginning of 2014! You will find all the
news on here in time..so just be patient ;D And as a little compensation, we have uploaded an old but gold video from the past days and we created
a bandcamp page where you can download remastered versions of our two
latest songs for free! So please check it out :) (You can also support
us with a bit money if you have too much of it left..but dont
worry..in its core our music will ALWAYS stay free ;D) solaroccasus.bandcamp.com
More Like the Last 4min's of Drowning in Reverse Please!
Show moreWere the hell did you guys come from! Awesome! Can't wait to see how much more awesome music you make!
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