You will always fail & repeat life’s struggle classes when you don’t properly prepare yourself beforehand.
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You will always fail & repeat life’s struggle classes when you don’t properly prepare yourself beforehand.
Show moreDon’t waste your opportunity of now to go to the place you need to be because after it passes you by you might find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be.
Show moreSometimes you will find wisdom when you listen & be silent. Sometimes you will find foolishness when you start speaking with no knowledge or understanding of whatyou’re saying.
Show moreMany find themselves overwhelmed in their reality when they have to deal with the consequences of their past decisions & actions.
Show moreYour decisions & actions creates the reality you live in, so before deciding
& acting you need to think about the type of reality you want to experience.
Either you can let the things that challenge you break you or you can breakthrough thethings that challenge you…
Show moreComplaining about the things that bother you won’t change them. Change begins in your mindset…
Show more"I have a question for you… Do you own your past or does your past own you?"
Show moreI’m wishing all of my family, friends, co-workers, etc. a more than Blessed Christmas & Holiday Season… Please remember that Jesus is the primary reasonfor every season so don’t set him aside in society’s primary gift givingseason. Show love, give love, share love, receive love, live love & be love☺
Show moreMany are living in denial trying to fool themselves into believing that they need people in their lives who serve no purpose. It’s better to have the right people in your life that you need than it is to have the wrong people in your life that you don’t. The right people you need, will be there when you need them but the wrong people won’t.
Show moreStay away from people who are content with being down because they will eventually pull you down with them. Help must be accepted.
Show moreWe often enclose ourselves in invincible prisons & tend to live within those parameters out of fear due to the opinions of others. Free yourself…
Show moreBecome a master of the things that are currently difficult to you until they’re no longer difficult. Rise above your struggles.
Show moreDreams stand still when you stand still. Put action behind your thoughts & you’ll position yourself to reach your goals. Blessed Sunday☺
Show moreMany allow their past to become a disability that obstructs their ability to think clearly while blocking their visibility to see past their past.
Show moreAll advice isn’t good advice & one must be able to discern between the two. One moves you forward & the other moves you backward.
Show moreMany foolishly walk away from the people &
things they do need while walking toward the people & things they don’t
need. Don’t let your emotions alter your perception of your reality.
Don’t let your complaints discourage you to the point that you lose sight of all of reasons why you should keep on enduring through your struggles. You got too much to lose if you quit & so much more to gain if you keep going.
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