JESUS CHRIST/YAHWEH IS HERE ON EARTH! Armageddon (Reaping by YHWH/Heavenly Angels on 12/23/14 @10AM Universal Time. Term “Megiddo”, look up Valley of Megiddo on internet and you Tube. Understand that many dumps, landfills, also former sites are being used for evil, nefarious purposes, and an area where Demons/Demonic spirits gather also. There is a site called the Megiddo (which is a sacrificial burial ground in the State of Israel, located next to the temple mount).*****SPREAD THE TRUTH, DISCREETLY!“HEALING IN THE WINGS”, FOR THOSE WHO TRULY REPENT! Also of concern are the number of individuals who have been wrongfully infected by the negative energy from Demons through the act of sodomization of both males/females, and rape. The effect of this can cause a bi-polar effect on the brain, and also cause individuals to behave differently including having altered sexual orientation i.e. bi-sexuality and homosexuality. Also knowing that we are reincarnated, living past lives of both male/female, this can lead to
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