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Welcome :)
Show morehallo x
Show moreHello there! it is about you! name Juliet find here otowndiscounts4u.com/olgm22851/oxsi/ good luck!
Show moreNodding Sky Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nodding-Sky/116803116246?fref=ts "Yksinäinen laumasielu, pelätty vihattu, nurkkaan ajettu. Kulkee, aina ...
Hey! Nodding Sky just released new song "Hukka" from forthcoming debut
album. Check it out! Thanks! www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKTftcXlZVQ
My new book is out, The Psychology of Winning: "Does Mind Matter?" Website: doctorj6245.wix.com/dr-j-h-farmer
Show moreHI Sharon, my new book is out called, The Psychology of Winning: "Does Mind Matter?" Available on Amazon and Kindle. A must read to learn the other side of exercise in preparation of successful competition. Principles also helpful for life success in general. Be all you can be.
Show moreOfficial Video from ''2 ready 2 live"album.Released by THE LEADERS RECORDS 2013. Words and Music by OCEAN MIND Video created by LENSORAMA Directed by DOMENIK...
Ocean greetings Sharon!
Show moreHello Sharon it's your twins Jedward sending you a big hug
Show moreJanuary sucks! So here's your Tonik ''Jealousy''. Download it for FREE! It's our gift to YOU!www.facebook.com/thetoniks/app_190322544333196?
Show moreHome page of Karen B Martin, an artist in Abbotsford. Karen B .Martin Aka Karen Martin Crarey is the former vocal coach for Carly Rae Jepson, She has performed with the Bells of the hit song Fly Little White Dove Fly, she has also performed with chubby checker and many other well know artists. Sept. 30/2013 she will release her debut EP It's Plain To See on SMT Records worldwide.
Hi Karen,If you read her story you can see a woman that struggled She is the former vocal teacher to Carly Rae Jepson www.karenbmartin.com she deserves a break
Show moreCorleone Montana new music, concerts, photos, and official news updates directly from Corleone Montana's Twitter and Facebook.
Check out Corleone Montana on MTV right here: www.mtv.com/artists/corleone-montana ...CMP
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