Okay...where to begin. The guy likes me and I like him yet he has a girlfriend. They're in love yet he keeps saying he wants to live with me and have kids with me. My question is what the actual fuck dude? Make up your mind. I'm tired of being treated like a side hoe yet you keep trying, which sucks because I want to keep trying to. I need to do whats best for me though and we should just be friends. None of this fwb when you have a girlfriend...who btw is too young for you (on a maturity level at the moment) She hasn't even had an experience with anyone else. Maybe just maybe you should think with the right head before you stick it a minor. Fuck this whole situation. I need to respect myself and her. She is too young for you to treat her like that and we are too old for these bullshit games! Grow the fuck up!
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