Our family is involved with many different fitness and health activities.
We run, bike, swim, and cook together as a family. Our kids are very involved with volleyball and participate in many fitness activities. As a military couple, we are required to maintain a fitness standard. We go above and beyond that standard by taking care of our bodies both inside and out.
We make every effort to eat clean. We try to make all of our food on our own, buy organic, and look at almost every food label prior to purchase. We rarely eat out, and if we do, we try to choose recommended locations that cater to healthy eating. Although our kids complain on occasion, they have accepted the idea that it is important to eat clean every chance you get.
We use many products to assist us in our health and fitness goals. Aside from eating clean, we drink protein shakes daily to assist us in getting our recommended protein and calories we need. We use several brands. Our curent favorites include RawFusion and ViSalus Vi-Shape. We drink a shake a day and so do our kids.
As a family, we are always training for some event. Whether it is for a run, biking, or other goal, we are training. It is important to establish a goal, and work towards that goal. We run at least 3 days a week, bike 2 days a week, and strength train 3 days a week. We take time each evening and do a stretch routine at least 5 days a week. Many of our days include 2 workouts a day. One in the morning, and one in the evening.
We have received a Fitness and Nutrition Certification and always looking to help people out. If you ever have any questions, please contact us and we will help you in anyway we can.