Update:CURRENT UPDATE FROM OUR VERY OWN heart emoticon AJ FRATTO!!! The Beast from the East is released! All is "AJ OK!!" Thank you everybody. Heart is a lil bigger than it should be but hey, we knew that wink emoticon Overall, I had a reality check. The reasons for a TIA (mini strokes) are unknown & can happen to anybody. My system is rebooted & I'm a lil beat up but feeling awesome. In one freak incident I got answers I've been waiting years for, as I've been dealing with military... red tape for special tests. Thank you to all you beautiful girls at Geneva General Hospital! All you lovely nurses are top shelf & super duper professional. I hope you enjoyed the show smile emoticon I am grateful beyond words. Thank you Sweet Love for saving me from 1,300 miles away.... You're my hero Hunny Bunny Kristin AJ Fratto! Thank you for all the love & support one & all! Be good to each other, be good to yourself... F### tomorrow, it may never come... Seize the day baby!!! Live it like a Baby Raptor!!!!!! All of my Lov
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