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    Stevie I have been searching for you ever since I met you here in Kissimmee Florida. I am in Love with your Music and your Voice. I have been searching for ways for others to hear you and I have someone that will put you on the Radio. Please Contact me. I want the World to hear you. I am on your Facebook also. We Met At the Stage Door while you were here on Holiday with your Beautiful Family. When you Sang here I was blown away by your powerful Voice. We Spoke out in the Parking Lot. If you Remember me please contact me. I really want to help you get Radio airplay. Go to your facebook account and read your messages I have sent, it will explain all. Hope to hear from you. Either way. Even just to stay friends. Thank you Stevie for just being YOU. I am trying to get used to this new Myspace thing do not know how to send a message yet. Sorry if this is on the front of your myspace. On Facebook we can message each other, but on here I don't see a way yet. Hope to hear from you. Your Friend always, Linda
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    Hey Mike how is this is it working or is Myspace still messed up
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    Hello Mike it's been a long LOL
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