Red City Noise - Gone With The Wild - YouTube
-Gone With The Wild by Red City Noise -Album: Black Lodge (released on Atypeek Music) **Streaming: redcitynoise.bandcamp.com directed by RCN & Laurent Fidell...
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-Gone With The Wild by Red City Noise -Album: Black Lodge (released on Atypeek Music) **Streaming: redcitynoise.bandcamp.com directed by RCN & Laurent Fidell...
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100%!! Merci à tous (et au dernier très généreux donateur!). La collecte se terminant le 10, vous pouvez toujours participer, le "surplus" ira au choix: -dans les frais de tournées, répètes. -le merch, etc. -la production de 200vinyls au lieu de 100, on pourra alors proposer cet LP à un prix plus abordable que prévu.www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/black-lodge-pressage-vinyl-du-1er-album-de-red-city-noise
Show moreHelp us? This way to get a vinyl: http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/black-lodge-pressage-vinyl-du-1er-album-de-red-city-noise français: http://www....
Show moreFirst review for "Black Lodge"!www.lesimmortels.com/blog/chronique-musicale/6341/2013/10/29/red-city-noise-black-lodge-2013-autoproduit/
Show moreRed City Noise Digital No Wave music, for autistic people, energetic nerds. Black Lodge, released 24 September 2013 1. Tyrant Death 2. Dirty Baby 3. Hunter&Jack 4. Sonic Dog 5. Pass Out In Red 6. MoistFry 7. Neurotransistor 8. Gone With The Wild 9. Oil Feyz 10. Waiting for my 11. NTT 12. Seax Junkzy 13. Maniac Tentacles 14. Blue Dildo Blues RELEASE: VERY SOON
RIGHT NOW, 3 streaming tracks from the upcoming album "Black Lodge" LISTEN, SHARE, and die. redcitynoise.bandcamp.com/
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