Hey All My page was temp. hacked. But I'm back full throtle. the only thing i would like to say to the Hack. dude I've had to deal with coruption my whole life weather it's crooked cops "Whom Like In my situation gave me a choice, leave our town, or go to prison for possesion charges that Do not exist...and we [Police] know either you or your brother will kill each other. We are going to wait on the winner so we can lock him up for life. "No" we don't care, and "No" we will not get envolved. So here's the thing I moved! and these old songs are all I have for memories of those I'll always miss, "Yet," Most likely am not to see again. My old bands song inner security will NO LONGER PLAY ON MYSPACE!!! have a heart. I's one of my favorite and I wrote it and the lyrics. My lead guitar Player Nick added the badassness into the cords to make it "Crisp!" and now I can't listen to it. haven't for a year! No hacker I don't blame you for this...But whats the chances you can get that song to Play FOR ME BUD that'd be coo
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