REminder AttendSHINE To ALL: SINGERS, VERBALISTS, VOCALISTS, SONGWRITERS, AND MuHEALians/MUSICIANS ARTisITs, even SPOKEN word and/or LYRICISTS DM if you are INterested in Performing/PUREforming TONIGHT and/or know sumONe who might BE!!!! Please spread the word, TAG SUMONe, share and post the flyer and come ON out!!!! tHEAL ALL ARTisITs, musicians, family, friends, associates that you kNOW and/or don't kNOW!!!! This and Every Wednesday for A.U.M Knights O.M Knights for the Acoustic Grind at the URBAN GRIND UniVersal Mic hosted by Deborah Miller and QUADITY-N-ONe N Tha LUVtones Acoustically UniVerseALL Mic Knights/FEMIKnights (A.U.M. KNights/FEMiKnights) an ART-IS-ITcally UniVerseALL MIC of Healing Sounds of Divine LUV and Wisdom for ALL positive, MovementALL SINGERS, VERBALISTS, VOCALISTS, SONGWRITERS, AND MUHEALANS/MUSICIANS to do ORIGINAL Songs and creGREATive Jam Sessions at the Urban Grind Cafe!!!! S.I.P.P.P. A.U.M. th@!!!! AUM!!!!$5 cover 962 Marietta St Nw, Atlanta, GA 30318404-924-9363PLEASE Don't forge
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