To ALL Positive Artists, Singers, Musicians, Comedians, Spoken Word, Verbalists, Motivational Mentalists, Lyricists and ALL Audience Members:Come out This SUNday and EVERY Sunday 4PM-8PM to Showcase your skHEALs and talents at our Artistically Universal Mic™ Sundays SOULday SUNday™ A.U.M. Knights™ for short at Sadiqs Bistro 3762 Campbellton Rd. ATLanta, GA 30331 (10$ cover 5$ cover Children 13up Inbox or call us at 404-924-9363 to find out about the artist and patron discount!!!!) SOULday SUNday's Artistically UniVerseALL Mic Night™With MJ/DJ @9emprezzz Yasmin BanksA night where some of the GREATest artists of Truth, Divine LUV, Peace, Freedom and PUREpose are found. The NuwAmbience© is PUREfact©!!!! The food is HEALing!!!! Sadiqs Bistro A place of elegance and Royalty where sum of the GREATest ARTisITs come out to showcase their Talents and skHEALs every Sunday!!!! This is a place to BE sought after and the visitations are addictively contagious!!!! Finally a Place of Cultural Immaculaticity© for the Family!
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