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He Heals the Hurt by Sharon M. Stone, published by Tate Publishing is available online for sale. (ISBN 978-1-68142-702-7)
www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=9781681427027 Get your copy today, and spread the word
Show moreWe are fasting & praying finding the vein of the Spirit that we might seek the Lord for His sovereign move which is fast approaching...We desire God to restore, revive, heal, deliver, perform his mighty wonders and set the captives free!
Show moreThe Spirit and the Bride said; "Come"All that are thirsty, "Come"All that needs deliverance, "Come"Whatever your need, whatever your desire of the Lord is;We invited you also to "Come""Come and receive the Word of Life"Dates: January 22-24, 2014 Our Speakers Tonight Min Velma Gray-ReedTime: 7:00PM Nightly Thursday: Min Vernon BeckfordPlace: Georgian Hills Church of God Friday: Ap/Prophetess Sharon StoneInvite someone to join you each night and join us in worshipYou'll certainly be glad you did!
Show moreCoveting dwelling in the presence of the Lord...Giving Him all our praise all our worship for He's WORTHY!!!
Show moreThe Conclusion of the Matter: Apostle Sharon Stone delivered a dynamic powerful & timely message last night Oct 8, 2013. We were tremendously blessed by it, ...
Continued: Apostle Sharon Stone delivered a dynamic powerful and timely message last night Oct 8, 2013. We were tremendously blessed
Apostle Sharon Stone delivered a dynamic powerful & timely message last night Oct 8, 2013. We were tremendous;y blessed by the WOG!
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