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HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM PRECIOUS PAWS! We want to thank you for helping our rescues all though this year, without you we could not have saved the lives we did and cared for the ones we already had. The kitty in the picture is Tigre, she is the sister of Olive, our kitten from five years ago who was...
Tigre is up for adoption, five years old, female. But in the meanwhile we need to care for her and her rescue buddies. Please consider helping them today. www.youcaring.com/2016PRECIOUSPAWSHOLIDAY
Show moreyoutu.be/dluF5p6ndHQhttps://www.youcaring.com/2016PRECIOUSPAWSHOLIDAYKIT KAT hides under the covers, I pulled it back to see him.. and a paw will pop out and he will smack a sleeping cat, and then the paw disappears back under the covers. He travels around under the covers around the bed to smack sleeping kitties and a dog... he is so darling... he is one of the many I ask for $$$ with.. to keep fed and cared for. Wouldn't you want to care for him, look at this precious face???Thanks,Georgyne.
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