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10 To 20 Years Left To Live e.p.- 4 song instrumental cassette with some groove rockin riffs from Peter.$3.00 cash only (b&w xerox j-card/home dubbed cassette. Snail mail order only. Send payment to:Peter Stubb Cassette Tapes 395 Florence Ave. Dalton,Ga 30720
Show moreThere is no orders outside of the US. myspace for some odd reason has got everything I deleted back on my main page!!? No clue why? Can't message any one back also. So you Might wanna check my facebook to see what tapes are still available. FACEBOOK-PETER STUBB CASSETTE TAPES
Show morePeter Stubb music up date: I will be making some d.i.y. cd-r's for these albums in the future. All will have a new cover and will come in a cardboard slip case. "Ol' St.Nick/Stormtrooper Santa(double feature cd)": "Big Dummy": "Blueberry Masturbator": " Songs From A Lone Ranger" and "Raider 33"
Show moreCASSETTE LEGEND-peter stubb cassette tape originally released in November 2012. Total grindcore madness! This version Includes the "3 chord rock 'n' roll death bash" e.p. released a month before.32 trax total! $4.00(cash) handmade j-card/home dubbed cassette. To receive a copy through snail mail just send your name/address with payment to:Peter Stubb 395 Florence Ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show morePeter Stubb-"selected cuts vol.1 & vol.2"Lp is available to buy on line at FAMILYNIGHTRECORDS.COM. Also check out LET'S PRETEND RECORDS website for other peter stubb recordings.
Show morePeter Stubb music available for ordering on interpunk.com.
Show moreRAIDER 33- Peter stubb cassette tape released in September 2013. This one contains a mix of old stubb meets new stubb if you will. You get 12 brand new acoustic songs on side A. Then side B gives 21 grindcore metal/punk tracks. 33 trax total! (Copy cover j-card/home dubbed cassette)$4.00(cash) To order a copy just sent payment with your name/address to:Peter Stubb 395 Florence Ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show moreWHISKEY DRIVEN MADMAN-peter stubb cassette tape originally released in july 2001,includes 12 acoustic non-stop action trax! $4.00(cash) handmade jcard/home dubbed copy:to receive a copy just send the cash with your name/address to:PETER STUBB 395 FLORENCE AVE. 5-E DALTON,GA 30720
Show moreACROSS THE BLOOD MOON- peter stubb cassette tape originally released in December 2011. This one includes 12 acoustic songs. One being written by a close friend of mine who writes poems(Thomas S.J.) This being the first time I used lyrics written by someone else other than myself. He went on to record 2 split tapes with me. Which included his talent of writing poems on one side of the tape. Which in time I will include them cassettes in this mailorder catalog later on. (Cover copy j-card on some/homedubbed copies) :to order a copy through snail mail just send $4.00(cash) with your name/address to:Peter Stubb 395 Florence Ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show moreI will keep this Peter Stubb myspace page updated on a regular basis. For folks who just want to order some tapes from me. Or just surfing the internet looking for my stuff. Yes this is the offical peter stubb myspace page. And yes you can order my tapes through snail mail as always. Sorry no paypal I'm still oldschool. But you will get a tape for sure if you do send 4 bucks. Just like when this page was first set up in 2007. Using it as my website. So feel free to order.
Show moreHAPPYENDING ENDORPHINS-Peter Stubb cassette tape originally released in April 2012. This one includes 30 tracks of pure retarded grind metal!!! No pun intended. From killer blast beats to catchy punk infused guitar solo's. This one set the stanards for the new peter stubb I was becoming. (Copy cover/home dubbed cassette) to receive a copy through snail mail. Just send $4.00(cash) with your name/address to:Peter Stubb 395 Florence Ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show moreTHE BOXFAN GOD-Peter Stubb cassette tape released in November 2012. Gonna have to say this is one of my longest and strangest tapes ever released. You get slooow distorted sludge,death doom songs (no drums) and you get some happy grind to go! 22 songs total on a 90 minute tape. (Handmade jcard/home dubbed copies. To recive a copy through snail mail. Just send $4.00(cash) with your name and address to:Peter Stubb 395 Florence Ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show moreLIZARD DICK ASSOCIATION- Peter Stubb cassette tape released by Let's Pretend Records in December 2012. Includes 57 grind metal tracks with some catchy riffs. Total madness!!! Hand made j-card/pro dubbed tape. To recive a copy through snail mail. Send $4.00 (cash) with your name/address to: Peter Stubb 395 Florence ave. 5-E Dalton,Ga 30720
Show morePeter Stubb back on myspace!
Show morePeter Stubb cassette tapes still available through mail order
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