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    I remember years past I was so eager for certain things to be apart of my life.....Now, I am not so eager. The reason why everything that looks good isn't good for me....Today I enjoy beautiful yet simple things like my flowers, the nights full of stars, a sunset....Yes, I have days where I get a little lonely, very seldom though. When that happens I work on music or call a friend...My friends are not just people my age. Of course, last but not least I talk to my Lilly girl, my orange cat. So, I hope you can learn, those who this may apply, to be content with what you have...Life can be so beautiful if only we allow it to be.....bye bye (smile)
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    This photo was taken during a live concert....PAE featuring Paula Benson live stream...Singing Jazz tunes and songs from the cd Najane' Have a wonderful day everyone
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    Hello to you all and how are you today? My name is Paula Benson the Jazz artist. Listen to several artist conversations on my You Tube channel. My travels of me getting lost, negative conversations with people and more laughter. This picture is from a video title I'm the One You Need an 80s tune covered by Paula Benson. You will find my live performances from my cd Najane and other classic Jazz and RnB songs, 80s,90s, and oldies. Have a good week. bye bye
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    Cold Heart Paula BensonCold heart will remove my love for him
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    Balancing Music With Life's Personal. Good night from me Paula Benson.
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    I do not have a PR person to help me except all the hats I wear. I am a cook, dishwasher, expensive maid...etc. My Accolades Behind the Music tells why I love performing for 3 hrs. Sometimes my feet are howling. hahahaha Have a good week everyone.
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    I am learning about marketing. Its hard and last night I started to quit. On another website I am learning about many things I am doing wrong. I make the changes as needed. This morning I decide to continue. Quitters never win and Winners never quit. Have a good day everyone. And thank you for viewing my channel here on Myspace. bye bye Paula Benson
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    This is a saying from West Africa (Wolof) What children say, they have heard at home.
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    I am thankful that I have one gig to perform at in Florida. Its at Piccadilly on University Blvd. Every 3rd Monday of each Month except December. Performing songs from the 40s, 60s, 70s, & 80s. Jazz and R&B songs. Of course, my songs from the cd Najane'. Serve My Unrestful Soul, Fear, Life Ain't Easy, and Najane'. Have a sweet day and be careful.
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    Watch two videos on my [|] Channel. You will laugh about the Homemade soup. Cooking with Karlin was hmhmhm
  • StreamMix Mix Photo
    Sometimes I love to cook and it turns out so good. hmhmhm Like when I made dressing from a box. Watch my video on Cooking With Karlin on [|] And the one on Homemade Soup HOT!!!!!!!!!! This was the time when experimenting wasn't so good. Just watch and laugh.
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    Sometimes I love to cook. And the meal turns out so well. Then other times oh no! Check my video on Homemade soup so H O T!!!!!!!!!! And the other one Cooking With Karlin. hmhmhm
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    If someone said something negative to you and it was a good friend what would you do? Would you stop associating with the person or would you let them know that's not right? A note the person doesn't put you down, its just a slip of the mouth.
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    My goal was to produce my second cd myself. I had no idea of all the necessary knowledge you needed to be a producer/mixer/engineer. Thank you PreSonus, Keith Baker, Vespers of Warp Academy, Finale, and a host of other persons with tones of knowledge. Late night rehearsal time is the picture.
  • StreamMix Mix Photo
    I love cooking so I was making some homemade tomato soup and it was hot hot hot. Watch the video on [|] I kept it in the blender. Because my refrigerator was full. It was very good. hmhm

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