www.linkedin.com/slink?code=e8FRrwb behindhand
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www.linkedin.com/slink?code=e8FRrwb behindhand
Show moreMuslimface, which models itself after Facebook and Twitter, aims to cocoon its users from "blasphemous" content.
'Sharia-Compliant' Social Network Aims to Protect Muslims from 'Blasphemy' on the Web - Breitbart bit.ly/21VaOwx
Show moreThe internet has been taken over by a “devilish” sorcery debate, and all because of this seemingly innocent selfie.
World’s creepiest selfie drives internet demented over ghostly apparition (POLL) — RT Viral bit.ly/1MTRIzU
Show moreInstagram is changing the way it displays posts to become more like Facebook. Here's how to make the change work for you
A big change is coming to your Instagram feed - here's how to make sure your posts still get seen - Mirror Online bit.ly/1ZGfQNT
Show moreTime Inc. announced last week that it was purchasing a controlling interest in Viant, the owner of Myspace, one of the more fabled brands from the early Internet era. As any meaningful distinction between traditional media (print, broadcasting, cable, and motion pictures) and digital media (most everything else) continues to blur, [...]
Time Inc. Buys Myspace: Are We Back To The M&A Future? onforb.es/1QPAwQ3
Show moreFacebook buys photo-editing app Masquerade, which lets people change their appearance in real-time.
Facebook buys selfie face-swap app Masquerade - BBC News bbc.in/1Rbi6WT
Show morePrinciples of Netiquette - Kindle edition by David Chiles. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Principles of Netiquette.
Get inside tips and the newest version of the core rules. Amazon amzn.to/1M0sXl7
Show moreIt's almost as easy as a screenshot.
Tinder’s New ‘Share’ Button Will Let You Play Matchmaker - Fortune for.tn/1M0nx9G
Show moreIt is proper Netiquette to add contacts with a lot of friends for Social Media Optimization. NetworkEtiquette.net
Show moreEnjoy! For more tunes visit: https://myspace.com/kryschancom
Hi, thanks, have a great week!www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WmHwt2eASk
Show moreThanks for the connection! Have a great weekend!
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