Know any bandmates looking to get together for "The Band Smith", the "Days of the Dead" Heavy Metal projects, or the Hard Rock/Rock projects "Festivals Of The Dead" &/or the yet unnamed quartet/quintet!!??
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Know any bandmates looking to get together for "The Band Smith", the "Days of the Dead" Heavy Metal projects, or the Hard Rock/Rock projects "Festivals Of The Dead" &/or the yet unnamed quartet/quintet!!??
Show moreSong: Never Give Up Album: Separate Video directed by Nico Essler and me. on facebook:
This is my latest Video + Song.
These both are own productions. The Video is co-producted by clostest friend.
If you like the Video check out my facebook page :
All the best: Steven. =)
Song composed by me. Video directed by Nico Essler and me. Song: Learning.. Album: Separate on facebook:
This is my new Video. The song, which is again a piano piece was written by me. The video is very important for me because I directed it with my closest friend together.
Please view it and tell me, wether you like it.
Song & Video composed and directed by me. Song: Seperate Album: Seperate on facebook:
If you like the piano, you probably will like my new song Separate. So it would be great if
you’ll watch and share it with your friends. :)
Nouvelle chronique de Soil Chronicles concernant notre nouvel album Altered Beast : . Un immense merci à Celtikwar!
Show moreThanks for friending!! Great to connect!! Just uploaded a new vid of me testing the action which was rather poor on an off the shelf Ibanez...
Show moreThanks for friending!! Great to connect!! Just uploaded a new vid of me testing the action which was rather poor on an off the shelf Ibanez...
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