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  • Hinton Patchwork AngelsJ1-111 Maskuta DriveHinton, Alberta T7V 1E8            Canada      403-396-4828thepatchworkangels@gmail.comhintonpatchworkangels.yolasite.comMy name is Angie Garcia, I’m the Executive Director for the Hinton Patchwork Angels. A registered charity. I’m reaching out to artists of all kind from musicians to creative arts; all who have made their living through the arts in one form or another.You know the struggle it took to get you to where you are today; right at this moment. In some small way or maybe in a large way someone gave you the chance to break you into the business. So that’s what I’m going to ask of you. To give one kid a chance to dream!Our charity is opening and artist and crafters emporium in which creative people can exhibit, display and sell their creations. We have many fabulous creative people in Hinton.We would like to invite emerging teen artists from the public schools to build up the confidence it takes to show and maybe even sell their creations.We are asking fellow

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