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Aberdeen, KY
  • hit me up sometime if u wanna hang out. we could kick it hardcore like porno flick bitches [sic. Wu-Tang] (509)842-4853 or; that's Steve 0h! w/ a zero (i.e., numerical, 0), not O (alphabetical); because my Ego is equivalent to a total, a metaphysically derived whole number, actually; however, said numerical total is less than zero (0), and my name has therefore been modified to indicate such nihilism, such a lack of ontological significance, such anti-egoism and misanthropy as is embodied in the mental contrivance, conceptualized from the "wisps of undifferentiated nothingness" [sic. Vonnegut], fragmented from "the (1)NE Without a Sec(2)nd" [sic. Lao-Tzu], called Steve 0h!; apparently and irrevocably named, as all such concepts must be; distinguished, classified, categorized, placed in the collection of concepts, variably known as "Consensus Reality," "Objective Reality," or, simply, the "Desert of the Mind*," [sic. Don Stalos] [*so named to oppose Jean Beaudrillard's 'Desert of the Real']

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