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Show moreI've noticed that Metal Blade Records has connected to my Bat Eats Moth profile. I assume that means the label is watching, due to some interest. I'll be blunt: without a development deal, my career is going nowhere. I'm a disabled solo artist with no income, and extremely limited resources. If you're not interested in developing me, don't bother to watch. Literally, it would take a fucking miracle for me to make it on my own. I'm 48; I don't have 20 years to find a way to make it work as an indie artist just so you'll take notice. I need serious money, label support and a professional team to make this work, and I need it now. Read my blog at reverbnation.com/bateatsmothIf you think there's potential in my thing, you'll do what's right.
Show moretinyurl.com/jhtefdo comfit
Show moreArnaque Démocratique'16-The Franks Daredevils by The Franks Daredevils, Metal music from Donnacona, QC, CA on ReverbNation
1-Arnaque Démocratique'16-The Franks Daredevils www.reverbnation.com/q/6fc2d4 Music & Lyrics:Frank Dubé Frank Dubé:All Vocals,Guitar,Bass Arnaud Krakowka:Drums
2-Searching For Redemption- The Franks Daredevils www.reverbnation.com/q/6fevdr Music & Lyrics : Frank DubéFrank Dubé:All Vocals,Guitar,BassArnaud Krakowka :Drums
3-Dead Inside(Since The War)'16- The Franks Daredevils www.reverbnation.com/q/6fkfg5 Frank Dubé:All Vocals,Guitar,BassArnaud Krakowka :Drums
Corleone Montana™ | Hip Hop | Washington, DC
Brand New Song! "Fresher Than A New Born" by #CorleoneMontana www.reverbnation.com/corleonemontana/song/23110650-fresher-than-a-new-born Thank you! #CMP twitter.com/CorleoneCMP/status/585410138007334912/photo/1
Show moreHi, More than a classic festival, it's a true medieval fair in Paris(FR), The Cernunnos Pagan Fest 7. Next edition is Sunday 23th of february 2014 at La Machine du Moulin Rouge 75018 Paris, More nes here : myspace.com/lesacteursdelombre
Show moreOyé Oyé! 23/02/2014 Le Cernunnos pagan fest 7, at Paris(fr)_News/INFOS : www.facebook.com/cernunnos.festival
Show moreOn 13 October 2013 on the official pages of band Kaira the premiere of the new video You Kill Me Slowly took place. In the video there were reconstructed sto...
Show moreZombies... zombies everywhere. Fallen Captive "Fallout" Official Music Video Mitch Pivarski - Lead Vocal Rob Warmuth - Guitar/Clean Vocal Jim Bergmann - Lead...
Check out Cleveland's zombie apocalypse!
Show moreMy newest song soundcloud.com/frankygoes/a-slight-return-of-mines
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