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    Some of my fans have written to me, I should show a photo that shows my black skin better. This is not so easy. Meanwhile, my skin is so dark, that if my skin is properly exposed in the photo, everything else in the photo is far too bright. In this photo, my husband took with lightning and lightened my skin in the photo. I hope you can now better recognize the details?
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    Sightseeing in London … I really like the beautiful buildings of London :) My favorite building is the BIG Ben. But it is currently being renovated and you can hardly see it because of the scaffolding. Here I’m in front of Buckingham Palace:
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    Thank you for your many congratulations! Our wedding, on Big Island Hawaii, was so romantic :) Our wedding ceremony ended just before sunset :) Afterwards Michael and I had a joint photo shooting on the beach :) Here is a picture of it:
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    Please excuse that I have not reported for so long time. The Hawaiian Islands are so beautiful :) I explored Big Island Hawaii, Maui and Kauai. As some already know, I have married my boyfriend Michael at a beautiful Palm Beach on Big Island Hawaii. I met Michael in the last grade in school. At that time I was 17 and Michael was 18 years old. Since then we are an inseparable couple :) Here is a picture of our wedding. In the photo, the minister blows the shell. This is the prelude to the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony was very romantic and so beautiful :)
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    Please excuse that I have not posted for so long time! I've had a lot to do and was rarely online. Among other things, I had several TV shoots.   Furthermore, I let enlarge my breasts and my lips. Now I have 7800cc per breast :) And my lips got a whole syringe (8cc) lipfiller :)   Here is a photo that my boyfriend has recently taken in the hotel. I hope you like it?
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    I'm really looking forward to seeing my friend Carol Anyango again next weekend and many more African friends :)
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    Here is another photo from the same photo shoot :) From this perspective, you can see my new proportions even better :) I think the snow-white desert is great :) How do you like the photo?
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    On the big photo you can see me up to date. In the small photo a comparison before I started my transformation. You can see how much I have changed my proportions. I let narrow my hips and legs. Since then, my legs look longer. Furthermore, I let my enlarge breasts significantly. Now I have a breast volume of 7100 cc per breast. But the biggest transformation was the one that turned me into a black woman. You could see the difference of my colour and my hair structure very well. By the standards of the past I was very dark on the small photo, usually I was paler. Now my skin is always really dark, even in winter when I'm not in the sun. I find the contrast between the white sand and my deep dark skin so great :) I never thought in the past that it would be possible to change me so much. I'm so happy and proud that I've done it :) How do you like the comparison photo?
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    I wish all my American fans a nice Independence Day :)
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    Here you can see me on safari in the Samburu National Reserve. I observe a herd of reticulated giraffes :) I find the landscape and many animals here great :) Behind me you can see the almost dried out Ewaso Ng'iro River and some doum palm groves.
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    I've traveled a lot in my life and I've flown over the Equator several times, but this time I'm standing on the Equator for the first time :) That's a great feeling :D The people in Nanyuki are very friendly :) In the hotel the porter had recognized me and asked if I'm Martina Big from the US TV. The next morning, when we wanted to leave, almost the entire hotel staff came to the parking lot and everyone wanted to take a selfie, together with me :)
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    Meanwhile, I also have first experiences with camels :)
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    The beautiful African animals are found in Kenya, not just in the National Parks. While driving we saw a herd of zebras. Since I had a matching zebra dress with me, we stopped and made a spontaneous photo shoot :) How do you like the photo?
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    I like the sunset in the Masai Mara very much :) How do you like this photo?
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    Here you can see me together with the chief of the Masai village :) How do you like this pic?

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