www.facebook.com/frontiersmusicsrl/videos/1134313663291350/DGM new album the "The Passage" out Now!!!!please share with the world and let us know what you think about it!Get your copy: radi.al/ThePassage - Amazon: radi.al/ThePassageAmazon - iTunes: radi.al/ThePassageiTunes - Spotify: radi.al/ThePassageSpotify Watch Videos & Hear Music: - “Animal” (music) youtu.be/tlsntjZBZxM - “The Secret Pt. 1” (audio) youtu.be/qPyebiLvT3k - “Ghost Of Insanity” feat. Tom Englund of Evergrey (lyric) youtu.be/-yOIyGkxE3w - “Fallen” (music) youtu.be/Dy4-AEmknag - EPK youtu.be/ip-E0qsXCac
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