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    This year not a Christmas / New Year video message, because of the crazy busy December month.But me and Christmaspluis (see picture) wish you a very warm Christmas and a great, happy, healthy and positive 2017. It was a year where I helped a lot venues with their program for live music, I organized a lot Masterclasses, 1-on-1 sessions and longer projects with artists. I feel honored to have done all of these things and that I'm invited to speak in March 2016 at worlds biggest Music conference SXSW in Austin, Texas. I have met a lot new beautiful people, heard a lot beautiful stories and I enjoyed every moment. I also proud of what I achieved. 2017 is going to be a year with a lot changes, for example I'm going to move to an other house. I am very excited to explore the new opportunities and I am totally ready for it!I want to thank all the friends, family and musicians who supported me. Without your presence I was nothing! I hope you enjoyed this year too and that your excited for 2017! If not, accept it and
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    Thankful for all your support this year. Grateful to be able to be there for you! Who do you want to thank this year? And what are you grateful for?
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    We have seen a lot talent shows. But what I wonder now is this.Which talent did you like the most of all talent shows?
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    Fantastic Masterclasses for artist s, musicians, songwriters, producer, singers this year.. Thank you all for the support and much love!
  • StreamMix Mix Photo
    Fantastic Masterclasses for artist s, musicians, songwriters, producer, singers this year.. Thank you all for the support and much love!
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    I am sad to give the last Masterclass tomorrow for artists, musicians, songwriters, producers, managers this year in Groningen! If you want to join this last Masterclass, see the link for more details about the Masterclass: ['s|] about getting more awareness and music assignments. I have done 8 masterclasses this fall. It has been a very pleasant trip through the country and I want to thank everybody who supports me and everybody who joined the Masterclasses. I wasn't able to do this without you.Love to all the artists, musicians, songwriters, producers, managers, supporters! It's you who have made it worth it. I hope I have answered your questions and you achieve the things you want to achieve. Don't forget to enjoy the journey, you can be proud of the things you already achieved!But I have a special surprise for all those people, in the upcoming week I will tell you more about it. Stay tuned!
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    Are you satisfied with your present gigs? Are you looking for the right gigs for you?: - do you talk often about it with friends / family, but you don’t know how to start and do you want to make the next step? - do you have the right gigs in mind, but you don’t know how you get these gigs? - don’t you know what the right gigs are for you, but you want to know what the right gigs are for you? I would love to help you. Get more information by sending an email with your music to marcella@[|] or send me a direct message.
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    Do you live the life you want to live?
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    I am invited today to speak at a very special place, Koning Willem I College in Den Bosch (in the old days, these building were barracks), about how I build my career in the music industry at 1:15pm. Free entrance. If you would like to join this speech, subscribe through e5@[|]
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    Finally I got my certificate for the course Music Marketing at Berklee College of Music in Boston U.S. (from last summer) whiewhooo!!!How can I celebrate it? Suggestions are welcome :-)
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    Searching for Pop coverbands and Pop bands with their own songs (and can bring own public) in and around Breda. Send me an email to demo@[|] with your video, price and length of set.
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    What are your plans for today? #music #muziek #band #dj #artist #artiest #producer #songwriter #singer #zanger #zangeres #singersongwriter
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    SPECIAL OFFER! I will give a Masterclass in one week about: "How do I get more awareness (inter)nationally?" It will take place at Muziekles in Amersfoort. We have a special offer, we are giving away 1 free access! The only thing you have to do is telling me through email why you need to attend this Masterclass including your telephone number through marcella@[|]. We will announce the winner this upcoming week, I will personally call you, so be quick!
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    Very busy days, helping artists with their website... But the show must go on. It's time for Amsterdam Dance Event! Who's in? And which conference talks and gigs are you going to visit during ADE? Curious about your program!
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    Searching for producers who have experience with music placements in commercials, movies and brands for an assignment.Send me an email with your work through marcella@[|]

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