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Hello, Maggie. How are you? I wish to thank you for including me into your friends. I like you very much.
Show moreHello, Maggie. Please, include me into your friends. It means a mot to me, really.I am your admirer since I have known about you. I had also a couple of stints with acting, though vevera big roles. I even portrayed once juror no.3 of 12 angry men and Falstaff. So we have something in common. A study theatre at the university now.And I would be very grateful for your friendship. Really.
Show moreHello, Maggie . How are you? I hope I am included into your friends. I think you are one of the prettiest actresses ever and you seem to be also a nice person. I am very interested in film and theatre(also music) and we certainly have many similar interests. If you gain weight, you are just perfect(as a woman). That´s for sure.And I fall in love with you!
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