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Show more💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,'iM S0 SUrEtheils' N0b0Dy is0CCUriNG(covid19,h5n1,bird flue,swine flue,h1n1,aiDS,tytpoide,cancer,diabeties,luns cancer,brain cancer,breast cancer,genital cancer,leprosy,blood worm)iN EVEry0fSiNGLE 0fEaCH 0f CiViLLiaNiN[aMEriCa],[JapaN],[S0UTH K0rEa], [TaiWaN]and[H0NGK0NG],pErMaNENHLy,but f0rEVEr.......💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟iTiTiMEZraMNaMapM 1132 monday april 26 2022andN0WpaSSW0rDis'eifgtrtdkq197411794'.......💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
Show more💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,aMEriCaNS NEVErbeen colonialNaTi0N 0f british SiNCEiT HaSbEENbEGUN. ......iM S0 SUrE. ......🟪CaUSE'theilse(there)isN0 aMEriCaN'S 4th0f july is independenceDay,N0T 0NLy iN H0Ly bibLE,but aLS0iNHiST0ry,f0rEVEr.......'bE KCaiNESiN HEaVEN....KCaiNES.......🟪iTiTiMEZraMNaMapM 1 monday april 25 2022andN0WpaSSW0rDis' iWEar'.......💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Show more💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,theil rEaLmyanmar were0riENTEd fr0M N0rTHEaSTindia🟪Sa GaiNiG'aM Ma rUNa pUra'(a ma ra pul ra)MEaN'N0T DEaDpE0pLE 0f theilssKiNGD0M🟪andLaM pyar EaiM THarTand two 0fHiS S0NGS(among4)wereKaHN yarT ZaHr GUEEand KaiNH yairT riirT iCHiNiCEL🟪
Show more💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,EMpEr0r ba yEiEiT NaUNG was[MEi]andHiS faTHEr was a LaUNENG MiNN Ta yar Gyi and(WH0was aLS0 MEi)🟪andHErEby,a LaUNENG MiNN Ta yar Gyi wasS0N 0f a LaiNUNENG MiNN Ta yar(or)a LaUNG pa yar....and was assessinated in MiNE yaTT(SHaNN STaEGT)🟪andHiSfaTDEr was a LUNG MiN Ta yar was aCE(first)KiNG 0f'MaN Ta LayMEaNS(ရှုမျှော်၍မဆုံးနှိုင်သော ရူမျှော်ခင်း)🟪andHiS faTHEr was [0aUNG aUNG ZEy ya]and was b0 b0 aUNG[KiNG 0fTaN GKaN(or)Ta KaN and SiTUaTEdL0WEr LaND 0f[Ta TGa0UNG]🟪 HiS GraNDfaTHEr wasKiNG 0f p0NGE KGaNG(aCE ba GaN)wasSiTUaTEdAT N0rTHWEST 0f CUrrENT ba GaN,but b0THare theilSaMEiNrELiGi0NandNaMESwere'HaLf pa Li HaLf Sa GaiNG....'KiNGwas' a NUi rUEUT Dairi🟪
Show more💟SiNCE,L0WEr myanmar was 0NLy pLaNTy0fHUGE br0WN W00DSand raCES 0f (paTDE'iN,UppEr Ta NiN TDa Yi) were cannibals🟪
Show more💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,ESpECiaLLy iNtheilss(this)C0UNTry,H0MEC0ME?....EMpEr0r ba yEiENT NaUNGwas lastEMpEr0r0f'MaN Ta Lay'(or)'N0T 0NLyWH0LE 0f CUrrENTmyanmar C0UNTry,but aLS0'WH0LEbengladesh,aLL 0f indian0CEaNS,N0rTHErN UppEr parT 0f MiDDLE H0riZ0NTaL LiNE 0f thaiLaND' C0NSiSTS 0f 'aaa y0aT Da ya'MEaNS'UN fiGHTabLE CiTy'🟪iNp0iNT 0ffaCT,EMpEr0r ba yEiENT NaUNGwas aCTUaLLy theil rEaL EMpEr0r 0fmyanmar,butSiNCE, theilse was none0fNaMES'myanmar'🟪'MaN Ta Lay was last' CiTy'....N0Ta paLaCE....was abS0LUTELy rEaL and rEaL Era was'iNNWa'🟪theils isN0'Era0fkone baungDyNESTy pEri0D'and wasCrEaTEd by french'rEMEMbEr de bris to'wasDiEd iN 'TaUNG NUGNU'and was pr0T0TypE 0f MaN Ta Lay ba yEiENT NaUNG EMpEr0r🟪' TaUNG NUGNU' king ba yeient naung was pr0T0TypE(or) DEC0y king by rEaLEMpEr0r ba yEiENT NaUNG....andNUTT SHiN NaUNGwasဒုတိယဗိုလ်ချုပ်ကြီး 0fDEC0y king andHiS CrEW 0ffiCErKiLLEd'DE bris to'afTEr CapTUriNG'TDaN LyiNEiN'and was0CEaN DEEp p0rT 0f french....isCLEariNGtheil C0MMUNiCaNEL STraiGHT fr0M(bangko
Show more💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,theilsDiCE(that's all)🟪
Show more💟MEiEMpyrEaNS,theilsWHy'raTi0NaLLy,pHySiCaLLy,MENTaLLy,pr0fESSi0NaLLyE✔️pEriENCES,theilWH0LE MiLiTary aDMirE HiM M0rE THaNbEf0rE🟪
Show more💟DUriNGthan shwe....CaNN0T C0NTr0L MiLiTary....and went fUrTHEr....,'MiN aUNG HLaiNG C0NTr0L theilMiLiTary byHiS raNKand0rDEr🟪
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